You might have noticed I haven't updated the blog as often as I usually do...just really, really busy with day to day life. However, I do Tweet every day. If you're interested and want to see more pictures, be sure to follow me on Twitter.
It's about time for Sophie to start Kindergarten this Thursday, 5 days a week. Last week during the "Open House" at Ridgeline, we met her new teacher, Mrs. Westover. I sense Mrs. Westover is going to be a great teacher. Soph even told me she liked her new teacher a lot, perhaps more than Mrs. Chris and Mrs. Clark :o/
During "Open House," Mrs. Westover had her students along with their parents go on a scavenger hunt to find specific things like their locker, cubby, garbage can, as well as slide down the slide, know how to open the gate to the playground, etc.... and last but not least find the school principal, Dr. Higgins. And so we met with him briefly as Soph decided to put on her shy persona to avoid situations she feels uncomfortable in. Nonetheless, he's a very nice, personable and gentle man.
I'm debating on whether or not I should volunteer for the PTA. It seems a bit much as I always help out as much as I can volunteering just for Sophie's class, but for the entire school, not too sure about it, especially if some of the things that have been tabled in our household spring into action.
Initially, I had Sophie enrolled in the morning class. Because I do not work (outside of home), I decided to give up the slot for those parents that do work and go with an afternoon class instead.
During this summer, I believe Soph had a major growth spurt. I deliberately bought size 5 pants that were a tad too long the latter part of May. Thinking Soph had plenty of opportunities to wear them later, they were shelved in her closet for a couple of months. Recently, I had Soph try on the pants to see if she grew into them. And to my surprise, she was wading in water!
When Lennie, Soph's swim teacher mentioned she's tall and skinny, I actually laughed it off. Today, I finally took some measurements and she still weighs the same as she did 2 years ago and so that was no surprise. However, when I measured her height....that just about blew my mind. According to the children's growth chart percentiles calculator, she falls in the 23rd percentile for weight and 62 percentile for height. Last time I measured her, she was in the range of 60% and 26% respectively. Complete opposite of what it is today. When I measure her up against me, her head is right below my...ughm, bosom. So Soph has transitioned from Sumo wrestler to Olive Oyl (well maybe not that extreme).
One final note, tomorrow, is Soph's "getting acquainted " and assessment visit with Mrs. Westover. I sure hope she has not forgotten everything she learned from preschool. Her memory tends to flip flop from elephant to fish. At the same time, she does a remarkable job at reminding me of things when I'm having a senior moment.