Friday, September 18, 2009

From BMI, BIA to Bio-Scan to ASEA

Friday, September 18, 2009
You would think by now that I've come to the realization, my hubby is just fortunate to have strong, healthy genes. His constitution is just amazing even after smoking for 30+ years. Of course, I believe he was able to offset all the negative aspects of smoking by eating tons of fruit. We have had several tests performed throughout our 13 years of marriage and he always comes out shining even while he smoked, albeit he's 12 years older than me.

Everyone is predisposed to certain health issues. I've learned from various doctors and have experienced it myself, that it's not about genes but rather diet. You can actually copy and modify your DNA with food. Diseases occur in 5% in people because of genes and 95% have tendencies to certain diseases based on exposure to toxins, food, stress and spiritual issues. If you want to learn more about this topic, you can refer to a book called "Discover, the new genetics...DNA is not our Identity."

I'm so glad I had an opportunity to attend the Healthy Living Expo in Sandy, thanks to Media One who provided the complimentary tickets. Although, I was quite familiar with a lot of the products exhibited, there were some I had never heard of and learned a great deal.

During the Expo, hubby and I both had a Bio Scan performed that detected missing essential oils. The person conducting the test said on average most people were missing 57 essential oils until this one lady who basically blew the average revealed she was only missing 2 essential oils. I found out I was missing 42. Hubby on the other hand was missing 29. What strikes me, he doesn't do a thing in supplementing his diet. Okay, I finally got him to take some fish oils geared for kids :o)

An amazing product I discovered during the Expo is ASEA. It is a health nutritional product like none other. Without getting too technical with cell biology, this product delivers what is known as "reactive molecules," that is needed to establish the chemical balance within your body. This in turn supports your body and immune system to function at its optimal level.

Cells in your body will replicate based on the health of your cells. Quite simply, this suggests constant healing keeps the body healthy. Simple in principle but much harder in practice. When your cells are healthy, in other words, "balanced", it's more receptive of the antioxidants flowing through your blood rather than floating around your bloodstream and not being used. I'm currently reading a book written by a Ph.D. in Atomic and Medical Physics who developed this ground breaking technology in health science. I will for sure share what I know once we return from our vacation to Florida.

As a side note, a few months ago, I had a BIA performed. Not to be confused with the BMI which is not representative of what's taking place inside your body. The BIA indicated some of my cells looking more like raisins rather than plump like grapes. I was advised electrolytes to start, which helps provide necessary minerals to your cells to increase plumpness (lol....this is the only time I want to be plumpy). However, I'm sure ASEA will have a more profound effect in getting my cells balanced as it is a revolutionary, scientifically based product in the field of alternative health.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Yes, fall is my favorite season; however, I'm not quite ready for it this year.  Summer just flew by especially with all the rain and cooler weather that fell upon us almost daily in May and June. 

Here is a  picture of a mammoth sunflower I planted in June.  Now if I can just have a whole backyard of these sunflowers and other wildflowers.  Instead we'll probably end up having a golf course behind  BTW, that sunflower is taller than Soph.

Soph really likes Kindergarten and likes her teacher, Mrs. Westover, a lot.  Heck, I even like Mrs. Westover.  She's a very nice, soft spoken, but stern teacher placing a lot of emphasis on reading.  Based on previous experience, she has seen great strides amongst kids reading abilities when parents read to their child every day versus the ones that didn't.  I read to Soph every night, if not several times throughout the day.  For every 10 mins of reading, Soph colors in an apple for each day during the month of September.  Once all the apples are colored in, she can hand in her "colored apples" to her teacher.  This is an on-going assignment until the end of school.

Mrs. Westover's way of discipline is something I never heard of; she uses the marble method.  She said when kids hear that marble drop in the jar...uh, oh.... it's a sound kids don't like to hear.  They know they better shape-up, wise-up, otherwise parents will be receiving a phone call.  Soph's a pretty well-behaved child and very mature for her age, so I'm not too worried about it.  

She looks forward to school every day and wishes she could go even on the weekends.  I can already see she is very interested in how everything works, including the human body.  She saw a human body model at Barnes and Noble and immediately wanted it....NOT the barbie dolls, not anything one might think a 5 year old little girl would be interested in.  From the time she was a baby, I can recall she showed definite preferences and was quite willful.  She knows what she likes and what she doesn't and is still quite willful even to this day.  However, she isn't very noisy about expressing her wants unless she wants it badly.  So I broke down and got her the model human body even though it was geared for 8+ year olds.  She absolutely luvs it!    

If I had to point out one of Soph's strengths, it would definitely have to be her knack to memorize.  She has excellent memory, memorizing all her favorite shows, commercials, books, etc.  I find it quite humorous and amazing.

Hubby is home for this long weekend laboring around the house and work as usual.  He's also enjoying his new car we got a couple of weeks ago.  It's a beautiful bluish, gray sedan that has a lot of cool features.  We had our car search narrowed down to one of three Mini JCW's and an R32.......BUT....... I received in the mail an outstanding, smokin', sweet deal for the BMW 328 iX. ....almost too good to be, we thought....surprise, surprise!!  Even though the BMW is more expensive than my Tiguan, payment wise it's cheaper than my Tiguan (same terms and all).  I'm beginning to believe my.....ahh, never mind :o)

Enjoy your long Labor Day weekend!



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