In the last 20 years, scientists discovered 2 sets of reactive molecules critical for immune function. ASEA with all its patents contains the molecular structure necessary to mimic the reactive molecules found naturally in your own cells (i.e. molecules that provides the fuel and support to just about all functions of the immune system). It is so effective that it makes maximum use of antioxidants made in your own body to become quite powerful by 500%. Mind you these are antioxidants NOT found in the foods you eat or in supplements, but native antioxidants.
ASEA is the only product that is exclusive; there is nothing like it on the market, no competition. After 16+ years of research, millions of money spent and multiple patents, Dr. Gary Samuelson, Ph.D., in Atomic and Medical Physics located here in Utah has been able to develop (where many others have failed and said was impossible to do) the technology to "lock-in" these 2 critical sets of reactive molecules and make them shelf stable for more than a year.
Bottom line, there has been a paradigm shift in science. It's like when people thought the earth to be flat until Columbus discovered it's round. Same thing here, the frontier for health science is currently about antioxidants and quality ingredients, which are vital. However, the discovery of "redox" (REDuctants / OXidant) signaling and other signaling messenger formulations is definitely moving us in the right direction eventually providing insight on how we age and die. The way nature intended it to be.
Of all the health products I've sampled and used, this is the only nutritional supplement I believe will make a positive impact on one's health with zero toxicity. When it comes right down to it, there is nothing more valuable to us than maintaining good health.
Please click the tab,
ASEA for further information.
"ASEA™ is a scientifically advanced product that contains a balanced set of reactive molecules that mirror those produced naturally by the body. These natural reactive molecules fuel and support virtually all functions of the immune system, they are the immune system's communicators and it's activators that allow the body to fight aging and restore cellular balance. This cutting edge discovery will change the way the world thinks about what it means to be healthy, and how to get there."
For more information, please refer to Dr. Gary L. Samuelson's booklet, "The Science of Healing Revealed, New Insights into Redox Signaling."
Note: The information I have written about regarding ASEA has been based on reputable resources, gleaned from various literature, books, presentations and websites. It is intended to educate readers, not to directly or indirectly give medical advice. Please consult a medical profession regarding any medical problems and treatments.