Sophie and I finally got to meet with Dr. Hugo Rodier today who is a Medical Doctor that specializes in treating the root causes of health issues versus the symptoms. He's written several books, which I plan to read. "Sweet Death" is about our addiction to sugar. I've read other articles how glycation, very simply the spontaneous binding of glucose to proteins, is the reason why we age. If you can believe it, it's considered to be more dangerous than free radicals. A critical enzyme to protect yourself from glycation is "glyoxalase 1." So, if you want to slow down the process of aging, don't eat refined sugar. The more sugar (sucrose) laden foods you eat, the faster you'll age as proteins are needed for proper functioning of the body.
Anyway, I digressed. I can tell Dr. Rodier is a brilliant Doctor, a little intimidating because he's extremely smart. But I'm so glad our insurance finally covers "integrative medicine."
One of the things I learned from Dr. Rodier is that there's a huge connection between your brain and your gut. Your gut is actually like your second brain. The correlation between the two is astounding. For example, people who suffer from IBD, colitis, Crohn's disease, etc. showed a significant higher percentage of white-matter lesions in their brain. Sophie's allergies are being treated and corrected via her gut. As most people already know, a large percentage of your immune system is located in your intestines and gut. Dr. Rodier said the best way to determine which food is the culprit is by going through a process of elimination. I'm 50% sure it's either going to be dairy, wheat or soy that's causing her allergies, but aside from those foods, she also needs to eliminate fish, eggs, red meat, pork, and nuts for 2 weeks and then I have to re-introduce each one of those foods back in her diet every 3 days.
You should have seen the look on Sophie's face when the Doctor mentioned she can't have "eggs." Her eyes got as big as saucers. Later that evening, Soph asked if she could have some prosciutto. I said, "remember what the Doctor said." She told me, "I don't want to remember, don't remind me, I don't want to remember." So, it should be interesting the next couple of weeks ;o/
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