So how did he make the transition into computers? The police department was in the process of getting "computerized" and were looking to recruit a few people with a strong background in math and logic. About 40 some odd freshly minted police officers raised their hand, to include Vince.
In order to weed out the vast majority, a one-on-one interview was conducted. Here the group of 40 dwindled to half. The remaining 20 then had to take a series of tests which were not always obvious. This is when it became apparent who really had a very strong math and logic background. And not just common logic, but reverse logic for example like figuring out days in a backwards week :o/ Vince was in the top 3 and from there was able to pursue the world of informatics that suited his personality and strengths perfectly.
So from programming to mainframes to networking to data storage, it has been a field he enjoys a lot. Currently, he works for a major data storage company as a Sr. Solutions Architect, designing solutions for major corporations that have petabytes of data.
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