This post is
really appropriately titled "Sophie's kids." She's always saying "my kids...." thus referring to her classmates.
So, here's her Kindergarten class picture of all her "kids." Being a "Room Mom" has allowed me to enjoy interacting with all these cute kids. Some are really smart, some suffer from ADD, some are funny, some are allergic to peanuts, some are wild, some are calm, some are shy, some are very gregarious, etc. According to Soph's teacher, she does what she's supposed to do. Is she turning into an L7 like her mother? Hubby's biggest quibble about me, I'm too square....lol.
I never really signed up to be a "Room Mom." It just kind of happened, but I'm not complaining. As long as I'm able I don't mind helping out, and besides Sophie luvs it when I volunteer. Hubby, an intelligent listener commented one day when I said, "I have to go volunteer today." He said that doesn't sound very good if you "have" to volunteer. But seriously, I don't mind it all. And plus, I believe parents need to be involved in their kids education as much as possible.
As before in preschool, the kids know I'm Soph's mom. They always tell me not only does Soph look like me, but that she sounds like me...hmmm.
So far, Soph has done well in school, achieving all 3's and 4's on her report card. She has advanced to level 2 in her reading and level 2 at gymnastics. She still wants to be an artist; however, she also wants to combine that with being a doctor.
Her daddy approves.