Poor old Ernie and Chief kept getting stuck in the snow while doing their business. Ernie will be 14 years old this Saturday and Chief will be 13 at the end of this month. Can you imagine! The Vet said Chief should have been long gone when he was 9 years old, but he's still hanging on.
Last year hubby and I both would have said Ernie, hands down would be around the longest. However, we're not sure what happened, but it seems Ernie has taken a turn for the worse and is quickly declining. We doubt he's going to be around for another year as he can barely see, hear, smell, stand, walk, tries to bite us when we touch him. Needless to say he looks quite scruffy.
There's no way I can drag either Ernie or Chief out of the snow and so hubby had to create a path with it ending in a big mound to prevent them from going further into the yard.
All the snow we've received recently couldn't have come at a better time. Vince was home all week to have his teeth fixed. He has to eat soft foods for 2 weeks and is recuperating quite nicely. On the subject of teeth, Soph lost her 4th tooth today. Now she really looks like a little hillbilly...lol. It bled a little more than her last tooth, however I just applied a soaked tea bag for about a minute and the bleeding immediately stopped.
That's all for now. Staying super busy and really looking forward to our upcoming vacation.
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