Looking at cars is not what she considers her idea of fun for a Saturday afternoon ....unless, the car is a convertible. She loves convertibles. I didn't know a 5 year old girly girl could be fascinated with cars at such a young age. Overall, she was a very good girl and kept asking me, "Momma, am I being a good girl; don't you think I'm being a good girl; look Momma I'm being a good girl."
I was just thinking of all the cars we've had the past 13 years. Between Vince and me our next car will make car number 19. Do you think we're into cars?
Well, we looked at three different sedans and have narrowed it down to three. Luckily, we do not have to make a decision until July.
I have to admit, I always feel sorry for these car salesmen; they do not have a clue what they're getting themselves into with Vince as a customer. It's during these times, he makes a lot of money for us in a matter of a couple of hours. He seems to have a knack on how much to push without coming across as being absurd or parsimonious. We've even been lucky where we actually made money off one of our cars; however, I definitely do not see this happening any time soon with the current state of our economy.
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