On our way to preschool, Sophie told me she wants to drive so that she can "go places." I told her she had to wait until she was much older. And that you really have to pay attention to what you're doing otherwise you'll get in an accident. She was like, "well, I DO pay attention." I continued with, "oh, not really, because you're always running into things." After a long pause with no one talking, Soph says, "Momma am I pretty?" I turned around and looked at her and said, "of course you look pretty!" Then she quickly countered back with, "see there, you're not paying attention, you're looking at me." The only way I could react was by bursting out into laughter, however, Sophie didn't appreciate it. When we arrived at school (like 30 seconds later) and I walked her to the school building's main door, which I usually don't, everything was back to normal with big kisses and hugs.
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