Sophie finally warmed up to them, of course when they were about to leave. The last time she saw her Uncle Jim and Aunt Sandy was when she was a month old. She told me "Sandy has short hair and Jim looks like Caillou." For those that don't know this children's show, Caillou is a bald 4 year old boy. "Caillou" has forever been one of Soph's favorite shows. Aside from Jim having almost no hair, she said she really liked that he helped her get in and out of her booster seat. Soph said, she really, really liked that and it made her happy!

This is my 2nd time visiting the Gardens at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. Sophie's favorite flowers....anything pink. Thanksgiving Point is a family-friendly setting that offers an assortment of entertainment and education-based charity such as the Museum of Ancient Life and Farm Country .....two places Vince, Sophie and I are frequent visitors. Besides the Gardens and Children's Discovery Gardens, there's also Golf, an Art Institute, an Emporium, and lots of local activities going on all the time. While we were there, we had dinner at Harvest Restaurant.
Harvest Restaurant is a simple, yet elegant and charming restaurant, located at the Water Tower Plaza. It is definitely going at the top of my list as a great place to eat for special occasions.
I so wish we lived closer to Jim and Sandy, however Vince and I both DO NOT like buggy and muggy conditions, and living here in Utah is the ideal place to live in that regards.
(Be sure to click on photos to enlarge.)
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