Parents hummed the graduation song while the students entered the room, as their names were being called. Well, most parents hummed the tune with great gusto initially and then it died down; it was becoming apparent that it is difficult to hum and take pictures at the same time....(too funny ;-)
The ceremony was totally cute and classy... until Sophie decided to lift her dress up in front of everybody, presenting her holey tights and yellow underwear!(*)
Each graduate then received a diploma and a portfolio. The portfolio is a "scrapbook" Mrs. Chris assembled for all her students. It is a compilation of their work/art/assignments throughout the year. It is such an awesome book!
After I loudly whispered (hey, an oxymoron) for her to pull her dress down and regained my composure, it went fairly smoothly with all the graduates singing several songs, songs I've heard Sophie singing everyday the past month.

Tomorrow is the dance festival and the last day of school!!
(*) If you want to know what else Soph did while in her dress, check out my tweets on Twitter....yet, another embarrassing moment ;o/
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