According to Sophie, Weezy from Dragon Tales says "okey-dokey artichokey." Dragon Tales is one of her faaavooorite shows.
So this post is about artichokes...
Aside from being a rich source of vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber, artichokes also contain substances that may ease an upset tummy and reduce IBS symptoms. Sophie prefers the leaves, I favor the heart, Vince likes nothing of this thistle.
Artichokes are actually the immature flower of a thistle plant and is considered to be one of the world's oldest medicinal plant.
I love artichokes in everything to include spaghetti sauce, pizza, salads, dips, etc......to just simply steamed or breaded. You might think preparing artichokes are a little intimidating, but it's very easy. This is Sophie's preferred way of eating artichokes.
Steamed Artichokes
1 Artichoke per person
Coarse salt
1 Lemon, halved crosswise
Melted butter, optional
Dipping Sauce:
We prefer a lemon-thyme melted butter dipping sauce. In a small bowl, stir together 1/2 cup of melted butter (i.e. 1 stick of butter), 1 teaspoon of dried thyme and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.
To prepare artichokes for steaming, snap off the loose, tough outer leaves. Using a serrated knife, cut the top third of artichoke. Snip the remaining sharp or spiky tips of each leaf using kitchen shears. Trim stem so artichoke stands upright in steamer basket. Rub all cut surfaces with lemon to prevent discoloration. Repeat with each artichoke.
Set a steamer basket in a large pot. Add enough water so it reaches just below the the basket. Squeeze lemon juice into water and add about 1 tablespoon of salt and bring to a boil. Place artichokes in steamer basket. Cover pot, and steam until heart is tender when pierced with the tip of a paring knife and inner leaves pull out easily. 25 to 35 minutes. Add more water to pot if necessary.
I then like to sprinkle a little more salt and pepper and lemon juice on top of the artichoke right before serving.
Serve warm or at room temperature with dipping sauce, if desired.
(Picture: Sophie, summer 2007)
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