Some of you may have noticed I've been playing around with different templates. I'm actually getting a little bored with the white and gray. That's becoming a little insipid for me. At the same time, I always prefer simple rather than busy. Oh, well I'm trying out a new template format; who knows how long that's going to last.
Sophie's bottom tooth still hasn't fallen out. I'll probably have to take her back to the dentist next week for sure. It's been way over the 3 to 4 week mark and her Dentist told me if her tooth had not fallen out by the 4th week to make another appointment so he can extract it. Has anyone heard of this? When I was younger, I remember my teeth falling out on it's own.
Today is the 39th annual anniversary of Earth Day. Be sure to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as you can. I learned that if every household in the U.S. replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent one, it would prevent enough pollution to equal removing 1 million cars from the road. I mention this because my hubby was trying to convince me to go with the fluorescent light bulbs for our laundry room last weekend. Well, this weekend I'm picking up the package of fluorescent light bulbs :o)
Just a F.Y.I...We had switched to mostly fluorescent light bulbs about 2 years ago (although I really haven't seen a decrease in our electric bill). Then about 2 weeks ago I was listening to a program which gave factual evidence of the mercury hazard in the bulbs. Should one break, you are exposed to several times the acceptable rate of mercury, and it is actually considered a safety hazard, especially for kids. In fact, there's something like 12 steps you must take if a bulb breaks, and crazy enough if you get any residue on your clothes, shoes, carpet, etc., you have to throw them away! After understanding some of the propaganda behind it, and the fact that they're made in China (as opposed to USA where incandescent bulbs are made), it makes me realize why they're pushing them so hard. So for earth day, I celebrated by taking out my fluorescents, hiding them away in a high cubbard, and replacing them with my good ol' USA incandescents. Hehe (Yes, I guess I'm a rebel!)
You know what, actually that was my concern too. I saw on a show, either 20/20 or Dateline or 60 Minutes...one of those shows where they talked about the hazards of fluorescent lights. That’s why I didn’t want the fluorescent bulbs initially. I was hoping they were going to come out with ones without mercury.... in case it gets broken or dropped. Thanks for your opinion, like you I’ll probably just stay with my incandescent bulbs :o)
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