I had an eye appointment this afternoon and Sophie tagged along. Dr. Rice asked Sophie what she wants to be when she grows up...."a Ballerina, perhaps?" With her head down and eyes looking up, she said, "No, I want to be a Painter." Dr. Rice said to me, "well, there are worse things she could want to be." I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, no, not a pole dancer!" But to my relief, he said something to the effect of her being a garbage truck driver. The more I think about, being a Painter is not so bad after all.
One of the reasons why I went to the eye doctor, I wanted to see if my eyes were feeling strained due to working on the computer or if it was my age. After a series of optical tests were administered, along with answering which row is clearer, 1 or 2, etc. it was disappointingly the latter. He said it's the inability of the eye to focus on close-up objects due to the lens losing elasticity, otherwise known as presbyopia. Yes, my advancing age is surfacing in various ways I'd rather not think about or deal with to be honest. Dr. Rice said it's a common "change" everyone will be faced with starting as early as 37-38 years old. He said about 95% of people will need readers between the ages of 40-45. I will be 43 this May, so I'm right on target. Oh, Boy!!
As I'm trying on different styles of frames Sophie unabashedly says, "Momma, you look funny." Just what I wanted to hear. Truth be known, she was right. Still, I managed to find an acceptable pair I could go out in public, if necessary.
Even though my vision is still 20/15, thanks to Custom LASIK 5 years ago, it has made it more noticeable for me to detect the slightest visual change. So while most people don't need readers until their vision has reached +1.00, mine is at +.5 He said by next year, it'll probably be at +1.00....Wow, more good news. I asked, "isn't there a vitamin or some herbal supplement to prevent or slow down the effects of your lenses hardening?" Unfortunately not, however you can take vitamins to help stave off eye diseases, including cataracts. While readers will not prevent the progression of presbyopia, it should relieve some of the eye strain I'm currently experiencing when I'm on my computer or reading.
Happy Aging!
When my dog was having eye problems in December, i did some research and came across NAC. Here is a site to go to for more info:http://www.drvitaminsolutions.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=43&gclid=CLTKt5KahZoCFcEUzAod0y9PFw. And you can google NAC and come up with more sites. The point is a friend of mine actually knows someone who used NAC as a treatment for his mother and she cleared up enough her eye doctor was able to put off cataract surgery, which he had been threatening to do. Of course, as it turns out, cataracts were not my dogs problem - she has Pannus instead and is sensitive to sunlight. But it is also treatable with eye drops twice a day and her eyes are now a beautiful big and brown as ever. Considering they were completed clouded over by the time I got her to the right doctor, that is a blessed miracle!
Thanks..yes, it is a blessed miracle. Glad to hear all is well with your dog's eyes. I believe Pannus is something common with German Shepherds
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