I'm amazed how much she has accumulated since last August, from her workbooks to her theme based art activities and crafts. There has to be well over 400 pieces. Anyway, I told her to make two piles. One pile for the recycle and the other pile she could keep............When she finished, the pile to go in the recycle consisted of only 3 things. So we didn't make any headway.
Her preschool teacher, Mrs. Chris is putting together an awesome notebook/mini-scrapbook for each student showcasing their best work and pictures from major activities throughout the year. I will later incorporate the papers Sophie wants to keep in this binder. My only concern is why in the world would she would want to hold on to the chocolate pudding picture? She told me they had to "rub the pudding around on pink paper, write their name in it and stamp their hand". Her Daddy thought it looked like someone had an accident....Sophie, immediately knew what he was talking about and precisely told him, "No, it's chocolate pudding, silly."
I wonder why they didn't use vanilla pudding?
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