So, in between cleaning up messes and spills the past few days, here's one of our conversations between mother and daughter:
Sophie: (thump, crash, screams, cries)
Me: "What happened? Did you fall again? What's going on? This is the 3rd time you've fallen in a week. Are you okay?"
Sophie: still crying..."I hurt my knees again!!"
Me: "What are you doing wearing those black shoes? You know I don't like for you to wear shoes in the house. And why were you running? You know I don't like for you to run in the house."
Sophie: still crying...and wailing
Me: "Where are your slippers?"
Sophie: "Well, my slippers are slippery too. That's why they're called slippers."
Me: "How about if I make you some brownies." (Note: I only make brownies maybe once a year.)
Sophie: Yeah! I'll go draw until they're ready.
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