Inside this tooth case are Sophie's 2 teeth. I really like this little case; I can just take the whole thing and put it underneath her pillow tonight for the Tooth Fairy.
This evening, Sophie and I will examine her teeth to see how well she's been taking care of them. I know the Tooth Fairy used to give $1.00. Now I believe the going rate is $2.00. If her teeth are exceptionally shiny and in good condition, she will deserve much more. We'll see.
After talking to Soph's dentist and several other people, apparently ectopic eruptions of permanent teeth between the ages of 5 and 7 are quite common. So, this morning Sophie had her 2 bottom teeth extracted. This will hopefully allow her permanent teeth to come through more straightforward, so that it can self correct by the time she turns 7 years. By removing her 2 lower front teeth now, it will also prevent her from having to wear braces when she's older or at least minimize the time of wearing braces by 6 months.
She was so brave during the entire time at the dentist office; but once we left little tears started flowing. This lasted for about 20 minutes and now she's good as new and eager to show everyone her missing teeth. She told me she especially wants to show her teachers at preschool.
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