My name is MaryAnne, referred to as Momma, Mommy, Honey, Sweetie by my 5 year old. Yes, "Honey" and "Sweetie" are other names she calls me.
I've been a stay-at-home Mom since 2003 to my one and only little girl who appears diffident, but is quite the contrary.
This blog was created due to the fact I am so proud of my daughter and simply cannot resist showing her off. This website is actually an offshoot of another blog I had; I'm sure some of you may remember. I've decided to incorporate almost everything from the last several years and rebrand it to not only include Sophie and of our family, but other areas I felt the need to share, hence the subtitle of this blog, "Sharing is Caring."
You will find many articles related to Sophie, our family, health matters, nutrition, recipes, tips and life in general. Stuff I wish I knew when I was young.
This will be a WIP for the next several months (6/09).
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