Saturday, June 6, 2009

Simple Strawberry Smoothie

Saturday, June 6, 2009

For a quick breakfast or as a healthy snack, here's a delicious and nutritious smoothie.

Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
Plain yogurt
Agave syrup or pure honey or any natural sweetener (I prefer Agave)
Sparkling water

Mix everything in a blender. Done. You'll notice no measurements, just eyeball it and be adventurous and test taste it.

Note: Based on 100 grams (approximately a cup), fresh strawberries has an ORAC value (the ability to stabilize/neutralize free-radicals) of 1540.  If you're trying to estimate a foods antioxidant and ORAC levels, just remember the more colorful the better, the higher the ORAC.  Fruits with colorful skin, especially purples and blues for example, prunes, blueberries, figs, usually have a higher ORAC than other foods, followed by reds, pinks and oranges such as strawberries and oranges.  Dark green vegetables like spinach and kale tend to have a higher ORAC rank than lighter colors.



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