She then dashed into the house, only to return a minute later to tell me she "went to her room and hid in the corner because she was sooo SAD." I guess that gave her plenty of time to ponder my denial and sort out her feelings because she then elaborated on all the reasons you could imagine for a 5 y/o, why she was so sad I did not allow her to help "plant the garden." I told her she could help by watching and learning for the next time. That wasn't exactly what she had in mind.
So the following is a fairly accurate, articulate speech I got from Sophie on how she felt....getting it all out in a very melodramatic, theatrical manner.
"I'm hiding my eyes on my knees so you don't see me. I'm going to be sad this whole week, the whole year and nothing is going to happen. That's embarassing sad. It's not fair because I didn't plant the garden. I really want to because I'm a big girl. I'm 5 years old you know. When I was baby, I didn't get to plant the garden , now I'm a big girl....(pause) Let's pretend I'm 16 years old today so I can plant the flowers. I have a tear in my eye...see, I'm wiping it off right now....do you see me doing it....ohhhh, I'm so absolutely sad I didn't get to plant the garden."
I just asked Sophie, "who said that?" Her response, "That's me, read it again!" I guess she's proud of herself as she successfully expressed her feelings and emotions with lots of drama and purpose. I could tell she was wanting an emotional hug and acknowledgment.....and so, I spent lots of quality time with her, doing gymnastics with her and teaching her to read. That made her soooo HAPPY!!
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