So, yesterday I received a 32 oz / 960 ML sample of Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions. I had bought other coconut oil in the past and was not that impressed. But here again it's knowing what to look for as there's good and bad in everything, to include water, sugar, salt, oil, protein, cholesterol, food, etc.
I'm so glad I've become a Twitterer (if there is such a word), as this is where I started to learn about the benefits of organic coconut oil. If you have a blogsite and/or are very popular with a respectable amount of "followers" and "friends" on Twitter and Facebook, or any other social network, I highly recommend requesting a free sample of this amazing oil.
Here is the Tweet from Tropical Traditions:
"troptraditionsHave a blog? A following on Twitter, Facebook, etc? We sponsor product giveaways. Get your FREE sample here: http://short.to/ence"
In addition you get a free book that does a great job of explaining what coconut oil is, it's numerous health benefits, and countless testimonies. I consider it to be more of a reference book as you don't have to read it in chronological order. You can jump to whatever chapter is of interest to you. The one that jumped out at me was the chapter about the benefits of using coconut oil for "thyroid health," especially because I tend to have cold hands and feet all the time. You see I use my hubby all the time as a health gauge. He is so remarkably in balance with his health after being a smoker for 30+ years. (I believe all those years of smoking were compensated by the fact he ate a ton of fruit.) Anyway, if he isn't cold, then I know something is up with me, which in this case is my low thyroid. The book also contains over 85 recipes where you can incorporate this healthy oil in lieu of your conventional oil in your diet.
Furthermore, if you slather it on your skin, you'll benefit from this oil, not only externally but internally. Your skin is the largest organ and so I suggest being cognizant of everything that comes in contact with your skin. Or you can be like my hubby and don't use anything, especially mineral oil, a common ingredient found in many lotions and creams. Albeit he's 12 years older than me, if you were to look at the texture, elasticity, and firmness of his skin, it's remarkably in good condition compared to mine :o/
Anyway, when I first opened the jar, I was pleasantly surprised by the fresh, light-smelling, pure even, aroma of coconut. (You see the other coconut oil I purchased a year ago smelled like nothing.) This Virgin Coconut Oil smelled so good, I actually took a tablespoon and scooped some out to try. And it actually tasted pretty good. While I was at it, I also applied the oil all over my body and my face. Later that evening, Soph told me my skin felt very soft, almost as soft as Vivika's baby soft skin. She was right, I couldn't stop touching myself (especially my hands... just to clarify :o/) AND Sophie's skin was a lot smoother and satiny; she tends to have very dry skin on her legs and arms, like me.
I still have a lot to learn about this incredible oil. I can only imagine it's going to be another good thing that will REPLACE all my other oils I use for cooking.
I subscribe to Dr. Mercola's newsletters; here's an interesting and educational video about coconut oil.
It's good that you try out other lotions for your body.I remeber my dermatologist once told me that it's recommendable to change from time to time your body lotion. Some people use the same mark of creams and lotions for several years. That's not good. It's better to change regularly in order to avoid eczema.
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