Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Migun Jade Thermal Massage Bed

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It has been almost 2 weeks since I began using the Migun acupressure massage bed.  It is a combination of acupressure with jade, far infrared heat and massage.  Supposedly, utilizing all three principle elements yields a compounding effect that speeds up overall wellness.   Sounds good to me !!

Hubby has Sophie to walk on his back; I prefer this amazing bed. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion he might like this bed more than he realizes especially because he does occasionally suffer from lower back pain, feels more the aches and pain of aging, AND it totally makes you feel good, calm and energized after a 35 minute session.  Well, at least it does for me  :o)

Since I don't suffer from back pain, initially I was wondering how I might benefit from this massage bed.  After doing a little research and testing out the bed, I must admit I'm totally hooked.  Regular sessions of 35 minutes on the Migun Jade Thermal Massage Bed strengthens your circulatory system which in turn strengthens your immune system.  If you think about it our circulatory system of nerves, blood vessels and lymph nodes are connected through the spine and having a healthy and strong spine equates to good health.  

Here are a few benefits one might experience (this list is not all-inclusive):
  • Since blood vessels are warmed, an improved circulation, aid in reducing cholesterol
  • Accelerates the recovery process of a damaged or misaligned spine
  • Eases pain throughout the body
  • Reduces stress and improves memory
  • Releases toxins
  • Strengthens the immune system
This massage bed is actually good for people who don't want to exercise, or aren't able to exercise.  You can burn anywhere between 600 - 2400 calories with each session.  And realize the same health benefit as if you had exercised.

For as little as $20/month (an incidental cost), I intend to incorporate the Migun bed and exercise more as part of my overall health and wellness "therapeutic" program.  The Migun bed  will fill in for those days I don't have time to get all sweaty and bothered.  How lovely is that?



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