Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lots of Hoopla with the Hula

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
They say you can always tell if someone is really good by making difficult things look so easy and effortless.  Sophie has given this impression to a lot of her friends with the hula hoop.  They look at her and say "I can do that, let me try!".... only to be baffled why the hula hoop keeps falling at their feet.   I have to remind them Sophie practiced everyday, several times a day for several weeks.

At gymnastics, Sophie really impressed her teacher and the other girls with her ability to swing the hula hoop with such ease.  Not only can she go really fast very well, she can go very slow and it still stays right where she wants it.  

Soph's preschool held a little talent show today and so it was quite obvious what she was going to do as her talent.  To my disbelief, Sophie got right in front of everyone without any hesitation and dithering and did her thing.  She was actually looking forward to it!!  

They each performed 2 talents.  Sophie did her hula hoop and a headstand.   Some of the other kids, sang, played the piano, played the violin, did summersaults, danced, kicked a soccer ball, dribbled a basketball, was a really cute show!  

Inside hoop:  Andrea, Joshua, Xavier, Sophie



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