Sunday, May 24, 2009

Soph's Preoccupation with Fashion

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gone are the days where I could pick out Sophie's clothes without questions, comments and dialogue.  Granted, I have to give her credit as she knows exactly what she wants.  However, it isn't exactly what I would classify as being "my taste and style."  Hopefully, she'll outgrow her bright, shiny, gaudy, opulent taste in everything.  Hey, now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if these are signs of an Artist in the making? 

While we were at Kohls, we browsed in the kids section to discover some clothes marked down 80%.  Sophie is definitely all girl, and loves dresses.  But not any dress, this dress has to have flowers, butterflies and especially have the ability to make a bow in the back...AND a flamboyant flair to it as evidenced by her selection choices.  She doesn't like black, brown, gray and white.  But likes pink, purple, orange, green, yellow, blue, gold, fragile (?)......(later) aah, she's referring to an amber glassware that's fragile.  So she must like the color amber and equates amber to being fragile :O

After combing through each rack, we came very close to finding something Sophie had envisioned her dress to be, however, it had black in it :o(  But no worries, we found another dress that was not only a bargain, but a happy medium for both of us.



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