Monday, May 4, 2009

My Little Kumquat

Monday, May 4, 2009
I like to introduce Sophie to a variety of foods from a nutritional standpoint.  When we go to the grocery store, especially Harmons, their produce section is like eye candy, with all the different colors of fresh fruits and vegetables; it's quite an enticing sight. 

I'm amazed and yet pleased to see Soph interested in trying new foods.  And even if she doesn't like something, I've always insisted on the "2-bite rule."  She knows this all too well.  Sometimes, I'll try to sneak in another bite of something she doesn't care for and she'll come back with, "no, Momma, that was 2 bites, no more."  I have to admit this was one sure way of teaching Sophie basic math in a matter of days when she was about 3 years old.

This "2-bite rule" was actually something my Mom made me do as a kid and I'm so thankful she did.  I've learned to like a lot of different kinds of food, and I am always willing to try something new.  If I keep it up, maybe I'll be lucky to live as long as my Mom who just turned 83 this past month and is still quite independent.

Anyway, back to the basis of this post.....the last time we were at Harmons Sophie convinced me to buy these little dwarf orange-like fruit.  I remember buying kumquats in the past.  Apparently they didn't leave that big of an impression on me as I never bought them again.  But Sophie has never tried them and so I bought a few for her to sample.  

It was such a hoot, she was so excited to try them out and quickly popped one in her mouth.   Moments later, her face had a scrunched up look and the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "ooh, ick, sour, sour, sour!"  She was so right, they were quite tart.  But we still ate all of them making goofy faces and laughing all the while we were eating them.  

Maybe kumquats taste better made into a marmalade or jam.  We may have to go that route the next time we decide we like the cutesy look and color of kumquats.  

(Note:  There is another variety of kumquat that is not tart, the Meiwa kumquat.)   



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