Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bug Off

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Apparently there's a bug that's making it rounds at preschool.  A lot of Sophie's classmates have been out sick several days.  Even Sophie caught the bug and was out for one day.  She told me "my kids made me sick."  Thank goodness, knock on wood, Vince and I have not caught anything from her.

I took Soph for her annual physical a couple of weeks ago.  The doctor said she's a little knock-kneed.  But that's okay, she will eventually outgrow it by the time she's 7 or 8 years old.  If anything, the doctor said it will make her a fast runner.  That probably explains why I was always lagging behind since I was bow legged.....and still am slightly.  I always thought it was because I had short legs.  

She also has 20/20 vision, which from what I understand is very good for her age.  Apparently, most kids her age do not have 20/20 until they're a little older.  All in all, she has good muscular strength, tonicity, reflexes, blood work and all came back normal.  So, I'm pleased and happy.



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