Friday, April 3, 2009

Egg Perfect EggTimer

Friday, April 3, 2009
Here's a really simple egg timer that works wonders to get the perfect egg yolk consistency.  Sophie's favorite breakfast are soft boiled eggs.  Health wise, it's the perfect way to eat eggs.  So, I don't mind making them a couple of times a week, especially now that I've found something that actually works and is consistent.  

I also like it because I can hard boil eggs to perfection.  Before I would always get the gray edging around the yolk due to over cooking or the yolk would be slightly runny if under cooked.

The egg timer works in a way that it senses heat rather than time and takes into account the number of eggs, the amount of water and even the altitude at which the eggs are being cooked.  

All you do is place the egg timer with your eggs in tepid water, bring to a medium boil and wait for the sensor to detect when eggs are soft, medium or hard.  How cool is that?  



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