I have also given our two dogs ionized water. It's the only variable I've changed where our dogs diets are concerned. Chief, our Golden Retriever has actually lost about 10 lbs since drinking alkaline water.
I can't say directly that it has attributed to the fact I've lost 10 lbs, but I'm sure it did play an integral part in the overall scheme of things. I also believe, it has helped my hubby's blood pressure to be actually perfect. For a fifty plus, nifty "old" guy, who doesn't exercise nor eat healthy all the time, I believe the water has made a favorable difference as it is the only factor that has changed.
We got our blood pressure checked today and his bp was 116/78; it used to be slightly elevated and hovered around 127-130/90-88. For me, my bp increased to 109/68 which is good as it was too low. I find that alkaline water actually helps with maintaining homeostasis within your body. Drinking water is really good for you as long as it's the right kind of water.
So, after almost a year of drinking ionized water, with it's high mineral content, I genuinely believe it has made a positive impact on our health.
In the picture, our water ionizer in the basement. We have it connected directly to our main tap water, which goes through an R/O system that strips everything from chlorine to fluoride to other toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, it also removes the healthy minerals. So, it is then remineralized to replace the minerals and finally goes into the ionizer which uses an electrical charge to split water into alkaline water, thus a higher pH that helps in combating the damaging effects of acids in the body.
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