Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Little Martha Stewart

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Ever since Sophie has learned her big teeth are about to erupt in the coming weeks, she now looks forward to doing things geared more for "big girls."  It's as if her "big" teeth have given her the green light to embrace being a big girl.  If it's something she wants to do all by herself, her stock response, "no, let me do it, I'm a big girl, I'm 5  years old you know."  

So, this morning, Sophie wanted to prove to me how much she has become a big girl.  She has in the past set the table by herself, but not to the extent of what I saw at the breakfast counter today.  (I would have taken a picture but my cereal was getting soggy.  The only person I know that likes soggy cereal is Soph.)

I followed her instructions, stayed in bed while she made breakfast.  When she finished, she gave the okay by calling out, "you can come to the kitchen now!" She was so proud of herself, and she had every right to be.  

She set the counter nice and neat with the cereal and milk already in the cereal bowls for both of us, napkins nicely folded beside the plate, plastic silverware all nicely set out, with our yogurt, a glass of water and last but not least the condiment bowls for our vitamins.  

All I had to do was sit down and start eating.  This of course, was not only a nice gesture, but I was amazed to see how polished and perfect everything looked.

Now that's a "good thing."



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