Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"More Gooder"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It seems this last year, Sophie's grammar has become quite atrocious, even for a fairly precocious 5 year old......anything from "more gooder" to "did we drove" to "Sophie fall down" to "I haven't took it" to "Momma, I win two times" to "much funner," and so on.  I probably need some singalong songs like Grammarchants to help her out, or maybe read more "Once Upon a Time" books.   

I realize the English language is quite complicated.  I too am still learning;  wish I would have paid more attention in my English classes.  I don't believe we really speak English, but rather American.  I've been told many times, it's actually easy to learn English up to a certain point and then it becomes very ambiguous.  One of the words, well a part of a word  that someone pointed out to me with different pronunciations is "ough."  The letter sequence O-U-G-H is the worst example of this confusion.  Here are some examples where the same sequence of 4 letters all have different pronunciations: 

through / blue
thought / caught
plough / cow
though / toe
tough / cuff
trough / off 
thorough / burrow

For a newcomer, I can see how the inconsistency of English pronunciation can be a major headache....just ask my husband who is an extremely logical guy.

Picture:  Sophie, 4 years



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